Ten Little Toes
I could be sleeping
In my comfortable bed
But I’m sat and I’m staring
At a baby just fed
She’s fuzzy and cosy
She’s contented, serene
She’s happy in slumber
And deep in her dreams
She’s playing in meadows
She’s marvelling at trees
She’s intrigued by the ocean
And her cheeks feel the breeze
She’s snoring and sighing
She’s warm and she’s sweet
She’s finding her voice
And she’s just found her feet
And I’m staring right at them
Those beautiful toes
That I kiss when I see them
Along with her nose
But I should be in bed
Chasing my dreams
But I realise I’ve found them
Quite evident it seems
I’m awake, I’m not dreaming
my dreams have arose
And they’re settled before me
Ten little toes.
Mrs FD.