Transforming Into Toddlerhood
The toddler transformation.
Right there.
Yesterday this boy decided he was going to stand tall and take a huge leap from babyhood to toddlerhood.
They say blink and you’ll miss it and that couldn’t have been a more fitting statement.
There didn’t even seem to be a gradual process to ease us, he just suddenly stood tall.
There was no waiting for us to be ready.
It’s hard to believe that just 10 months ago this chunky-thighed, sturdy-standing, squishy mass of warmness and noise was a scrawny, wrinkled, ‘guinea pig squeaking’ snuffly new person omitting a freshly born aroma that was completely dependent on us.
Now he just wants to move, to forage for anything he can define as food. Explore, climb and get firmly into the mix whilst hot on the heels of his siblings.
He’s lovely.
He knows what he wants. He knows where he wants to be. And he’s off with a huge will of his own and very little fear.
His sense of adventure has grown before his teeth.
I’d like him to stay small forever, but the pleasure comes in watching him grow and transform.
I’m holding onto his babyhood as tight as I can while watching toddlerhood take over at an overwhelming rate of knots.
This boy…
still a baby, if only for a little while…
transforming into a toddler.
Always obliging a cuddle.
No longer dependently in my arms but always in the grip of my heart.
That being said, he’ll always be my baby.
It’s time to shed those thighs Judey boy.