Wizard of Oz Adventure
I decided that I wanted to do a Wizard of Oz themed birthday picnic in a crooked wood for Mila. I used as much as I could from around the house with the only expense being her cake which I had planned to be a simple white iced Christmas cake with a yellow brick road. Fortunately M&S had a beautiful Christmas cake reduced which was ideal to lay our yellow brick road on. With a few simple, cheap and effective items gathered we managed to turn a visit to the woods into a magical Wizard of Oz Adventure.
We started with our prep, we wrapped presents in yellow paper to represent the yellow brick road.
And tin foil to represent the tin man, we tied them all with sting to represent the scarecrow.
I made OZ signs for the trees.
I made a special box which contained wished crystals and a letter explaining how to use them,
We used nail art crystals (a packet of 10 for £1 in Pondland)….. BIRTHDAY WISH CRYSTALS.
With Toto in tow we headed to the woods.
I used some ready roll icing with a few drops of yellow food colouring to make a brick road, this was to lay on the top of a white iced cake to make our OZ birthday cake.
We set up our white iced Christmas cake which was half price in the sales and added our yellow brick road. I used a liquorice wood stick to make the sign post.
I used a candy floss tub (3 for £1 in Tesco) as Good witch of the east dresses, I tied with ribbon and a magic wand.
I then placed our yellow brick road presents along the woodland path. I wrapped them with yellow paper and string along with some wrapped in tin foil to represent the tin man.
I wrapped a watering can in tin foil to make our oil can and took a ruby red and emerald green cushions around the base of a tree.
We had rainbows overhead.
We took a bubble machine that we hung in the trees to represent the good witch of the east floating down in her bubble.
We had a jar full of yellow brick road and emerald city sweets (taken from a tin of Roses). I wrapped up a Wizard of Oz DVD with emerald green ribbon and placed it in a tree.
We made a rope swing, found some witches loot and stumbled on birthday messages from the munchkins.
We explored the crooked woods.
And even found the wicked witch!!!
Mila discovered her box full of rainbow birthday wishes.
After a beautiful day over the rainbow we headed back down the yellow brick road… Because there’s no place like home.
If you would like to follow more of our daily adventure and activities and find more frugal and magical memory making in a childhood that’s fleeting find us on Facebook at www.facebook.com/FamilyDaysTriedAndTested
Amazing blog, love your creativity and adventures X
Thankyou, it was a simple adventure that turned out beautiful x
Thankyou. So glad you’re following x