Us. Here & There. As The Sun Shines Bright & The Moon Lights Our Dreams
So we are Family Days. Hey. We consider ourselves as being just us, like everyone else, here, getting by and living life the best way we can with what we have. We consider ourselves very rich although we are skint most of the time. We get by with the little things, the simple acts that can make life magical. We love the bright blue sky and we embrace rain on our cheeks. We give in to calls from the ocean & play with the wind. Grubbiness is often our normality and noise is our peace.
I started logging my journey with my family around 10 months ago shortly after the birth of our 6th child and that log has grown and become a comfort and pleasure to share. I wasn’t sure what I was sharing with the World Wide Web but it was received well and so we continue & now venture into blogging.
Our main aim is to self-promote natural play, roaming free, creating childhood memories as they should be, full of happy times regardless of finances, surroundings, abilities or amenities.
The world is our oyster, we make our own world & we live in it. With a little love that world keeps turning.
Thanks for dropping by.
If you would like to find out more about us you can find us on a daily stream on Facebook – our natural environment.