Understanding Sight & Hearing Loss
We did some simple everyday tasks using a blindfold & ear defenders to give ourselves a better understanding of what some people face & overcome.
Here’s how we got on….
We started the day by trying to do some basic things blindfolded..
Teeth cleaning was a bit tricky…
We put on our shoes & tied our laces.
We walked to school blindfolded and discovered it was hard to understand where we were and had to think of an option to guide us…
We followed a wall but the wall ran out…
So we then came up with the idea of using a stick to act as our feeler. It worked well.
We then discovered some bumps on the floor & when we took off our blindfold we found out they were there to let you know you were at a crossing point in the road.
We already knew that there are spinning vibrating wheels underneath a pelican crossing light which spins when the man is green to help the visually hearing impaired people, we also realised that the crossing also beeps for when it is safe to cross.
We then decided to use our sense of smell & taste to identify things..
The lemon didn’t smell but we knew what it was by its sour bitter taste.
We made a feely bag to test our sense of touch.
We were very good at the feely game.
We tried learning Braille by writing our names with blobs of blue tac.
We spent some time watching tv with our ear defenders on to see if we could understand what was going on.
We tried building towers whilst blindfolded.
and we tried writing.
We looked at a Braille alphabet.
We looked at the sign language alphabet.
Finally we learnt some sign language… This means LOVE
To follow more of our daily frugal memory making activities and adventures, find us on Facebook…https://www.facebook.com/pages/Family-days-Tried-tested/287237957955725