The Family Days Ice Bucket Challenge

The Family Days Ice Bucket ChallengeWe decided that we wanted to take THE ICE BUCKET CHALLENGE to raise awareness of ALS ,MACMILLAN, WATERAID, & THE BRITISH HEART FOUNDATION

Here are our reasons for these chosen charities…

Awareness needs to be raised for WaterAid because we’ve always actively supported them, it’s a charity which is very important to the plight of clean water, hygienic sanitation and treating water for its values to life in its purest form. We also walk and have the teeniest comprehension of what some lesser fortunate humanity need to do to endure they reach water which all too often is dirty. It’s a delicate line which Wateraid are tirelessly trying to thicken.

Walking with ample filled beautifully cleaned or naturally sourced water bottles from the shop is something we take for granted.

We choose to do our challenge at the waterfalls to prevent wasting water, & our Wateraid bucket was filled with dirty water.

We felt that our challenge stuck with the FAMILY DAYS TRIED & TESTED ethos.

ALS is the main focus of the ‘icebucketchallenge’ & has been a great & fun platform to raise much needed research money and awareness for ALS & Macmillan for cancers which are on such a wide scale and affect so many people on so many levels, as a family we know first hand the importance of endeavouring to find a cure for such an unforgiving disease that continues to take loved ones undiscriminatingly.

(Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS), often referred to as “Lou Gehrig’s Disease,” is a progressive neurodegenerative disease that affects nerve cells in the brain and the spinal cord).

We choose to supporting the British Heart Foundation as the ‘ice bucket’ struck a similarity for us with Mila, 5. She’s been dipped in ice buckets and even iced waterfalls on emergencies on numerous occasions to try and shock & correct her heart back to a safe state, it’s a journey which the BHF has supported us with & helped us gain knowledge of and a comfyness of living with a child with a heart condition. Their work through research is especially close to our hearts.

We choose to incorporate our challenge with a walk to the waterfalls carrying our bags of ice with us to give some understanding to the children of what people around the world go through in their need to find water.

The kids did really well in their challenge and most importantly we text our donations when we got home…

Here’s how our ICE BUCKET CHALLENGE went…

20140823-164929-60569777.jpgEverybody carried a bucket..

20140823-165030-60630786.jpgAnd the bigger kids carried bags of ice.


20140823-165240-60760499.jpgThe kids grasped at an understanding of the difficulties of walking a long way with a valuable load..

20140823-165527-60927991.jpgWe waked for around 2 miles to reach a waterfall deep in the Brecon Beacons..

20140823-165655-61015736.jpgWe finally arrived at the waterfall to set up..

20140823-165743-61063932.jpgWe filled our WaterAid bucket with dirty water as we know that some people walk for miles and miles in search of water only to find dirty water they have no alternative but to use.

20140823-165939-61179118.jpgAnd we filled our buckets with the ice..


20140823-170048-61248335.jpgAnd then we were set!!


They did really well!

20140823-170434-61474790.jpgDONT FORGET TO DONATE!!


20140823-170628-61588188.jpgWith a quick emptying of our wellies we started our walk back, soggy, wet and a little cold but really pleased with ourselves..

20140823-170742-61662088.jpgAnd the wellies didn’t last long though..

20140823-171118-61878971.jpgAnd as always we couldn’t resist stopping on the walk back for some well earned tree climbing..


20140823-171242-61962940.jpgWe enjoyed our challenge and had fun doing it…

20140823-171347-62027603.jpgAnd the kids carried their buckets all the way back to the car 🙂


Our 3 nominations are chosen with fun in mind and will have a longer timeline of completion due to having to personally request individuals once school resume in two weeks…
We nominate any of our followers whom are willing to donate to either or all of the above charities, the teachers of Undy Primary School, South Wales & our lovely Welsh beauty & the voice of Wales Charlotte Church (whom we are trying to contact)


For more info on he charities we have tried to raise awareness for please visit their sites.

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  1. Hi,
    What great causes and well done! Just a quick question my understanding of ALS/MND is that it’s to do with the nervous system, yet you mention cancer? I didn’t think it was a cancer?

    1. Thanks for reading, I’ve added an explanation of ALS to the post, it is indeed progressive neurodegenerative disease that affects nerve cells in the brain and the spinal cord.
      Our link to Macmillan is because of the ice bucket challenge being heavily supported via themselves and in turn their support is ALS.
      We hope we can raise some awareness for them both x

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