Simple Play Ideas – Week 1


Simple play ideas are the best. Messy play, sensory play, free play, nature play, role play, learning through play. Embracing the importance of play is fabulous to help children develop a sense of creativeness, combat their own boredom and build on their imagination.

Just let them play…

We’ve teamed up with Swords & Snoodles and Earth Based Fun to bring you the very best play ideas that we find.

Here’s the first weekly round up of our new #simpleplayideas adventure, you can join in with our fun at

 Simple Play Ideas



Have you seen our 50+ Baby Activities: 0-18 Months?
Play can start from the moment a child is born.


Take a peek at 40+ Fun Beach Games and Activities for Kids.


You may also like Autumn Activities for Kids.



Who needs expensive toys? A perfect motto from Earth Based Fun.

Take a peek at some of their lovely Quick play ideas.



Sensory play is so beneficial and a speciality of Swords and Snoodles.

Take a peek at these awesome Sensory stepping stones. Fabulous for teeny toes.


There are loads of things you can do with leaves.
Take a peek at Leaf Collecting, Art Play.


Traditional play is the best!
Do you believe that war wounds and scraped knees are part and parcel of the fun? Wheel barrow racing! Tree climbing! Rolling down hills in waterbutts…
Try these 50 things to do before you are 11 & 3/4s.



Simple play ideas are the best!

Don’t forget to come and follow Simple Play Ideas on Facebook
and join in with our everyday play ideas by using the hashtag #simpleplayideas

Because play is easy!

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