Making Gardens Fun For Kids


Here are a few ideas to make gardens fun for your children.


We filled in the garden pond and laid some artificial turf in it to make a prehistoric arena for Noah to play in. It later became an outdoor playpen for the new baby to explore the garden safely. We’ll be planting up sensory plants and shrubs around the outside that the baby will be able to safely explore once big enough to play. We filled the pond leaving a wall of a couple of feet to prevent the baby from climbing out.


We hung an old mirror on the fence and then used a shower curtain to make some curtains. A fabulous outdoor stage!


Make an outdoor artwork gallery by painting off-cuts of wood with either black exterior paint or chalkboard paint and hang them on the wall.


Make a table that can be used as a natural treasures station.


An old bed canopy is ideal to use as a reading nook.


Make a bug hotel with a pile of logs.


Use shower curtains to turn empty spaces into sumptuous dens.


We used some of the old ball pit balls we had kicking about and some string to make our own garden abacus. We threaded the balls onto the string and tied each end to a garden chair leg. You could head to the woods and do this with trees.


Come rain or shine, a shower radio is ideal for kids. We have one in the garden and they love it. They accompany it by pretending to do music shows and dances or just enjoy tuning it in falling upon songs they know. They even like to do some singing in the rain.


Make a prehistoric mud pit playground.


Make some milk carton butterflies for the trees.

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