Honey Bear’s Unexpected Act Of Kindness
Kindness and thoughtfulness is such an important and wonderful thing to install into your children. And it’s not a hard to do. The same goes for respecting the world around us and the efforts that others go to in maintaining it’s nice.
This week we had planned to take Honey Bear (the school bear) to one of our most favourite places, Tintern Old Station, nestled along the banks of the river Wye. A place that, as a family, we spend oodles of time in all weathers enjoying the beautiful surroundings, woodlands and of course the wonderful river Wye that winds its way through the valley.
Unfortunately last night we learned, via Facebook, that some children had trampled on some spring flower tubs at the Old Station and this saddened us.
As I read the status to Mr FD one of the children peered over our shoulders and suggested we do something. So we did.
We gathered the children and Honey Bear over breakfast and discussed replacing the flowers. The children offered up their own money and wrote a card.
We then headed to our local Homebase where they chose their flowers.
I spoke to the Manager to let her know what the children had planned and she very kindly offered to match the money the children spent. They were mega chuffed!
We then headed to The Old Station with our spring blooms in hand to plant up.
We ensured that we found somebody at The Station to let them know of our intentions and to ask permission to refill the tubs. Thank you John for allowing us to do so.
Everyone helped…
And soon the baron tubs were looking beautiful again.
Even Honey Bear seemed proud of himself.
Obviously we couldn’t visit our favourite spot without a play and a walk before we left.
After all, we had to show Honey Bear what fun The Old Station is.
We are so lucky to have such a beautiful place to visit nearby.
So all in all it was a fabulous day. Honey Bear was shown how simple it is to be kind and the children got to give back something to a place they enjoy visiting so much.
It’s so easy to be kind and it’s a no brainer to be respectful to your surrounding especially when others make an effort to make it lovely.
Teaching your children to be kind is easy, rewarding and a parental must.
Teaching your children to be respectful is essential.
Teaching Bears that is important too.
**We’d like to thank Jo from Homebase in Chepstow for matching the childrens money to purchase the flowers. It was really appreciated and the kids were like bottles of pop making their selections.**