Halloween Ideas
You gotta love Halloween! We’ve selected some of our favourite Halloween activities for kids here to inspire you to have a spooktacular time.
Spooky Conker Eyeball Wreath
Here are the full instructions to make your own Spooky Eyeball Conker Wreath. And we have lots more ideas for things to do with conkers, hazelnuts and acorns.
Loot Giving Monster
How about wowing your Halloween party guests with this easy-to-make Halloween loot-giving monster?
Haunted House-Themed Bath
How about turning the bathroom into a haunted house? You could even have a blood-filled bath. Here’s how we created a Halloween-themed bath.
Spooky Eyes
Milk Carton Lanterns
We drew on empty milk cartons with Sharpie permanent marker pens, removed the lids and popped an upturned battery-operated tealight on the top securing with tape.
See more creative and fun ideas for milk cartons.
Monster Conker Eyes
Mummy Lantern
We covered a jar with PVA glue and then wound toilet tissue around it. We finished by sticking on two googly eyes. We popped in a battery operated tea light and it looked fab!
Orange Jack ‘O’ Lantern Wreath
How effective does this look? It will smell delicious inside or look fab hung on the front door. And it was super easy to make in less than half an hour.
- We used a bendy branch to make a circle which we secured into shape with some pull ties.
- We then added sprigs of foliage which we also secured with pull ties & string.
- We added faces to our pumpkin oranges with permanent marker pens.
- We attached the oranges using pull ties*
- Finally we added string to hang.
* Huge packets of pull ties can be found in Pound stores
Pumpkin Soup Picnic
Here’s an idea to use your pumpkins after Halloween. Have a delicious pumpkin soup autumnal picnic! We find it the perfect way to finish off your Halloween.
Pen-Decorated Pumpkin
We used a permanent marker pen to decorate our pumpkin rather than cutting it. It turned out really effective.
How cool is this as an alternative to pumpkin carving?
We used chalk pens to decorate one and it looks lovely in the house. It would make a great centrepiece at a ‘non-spooky’ Halloween party or just to brighten the house up during Autumn.
If you’d prefer to carve we have some Awesome Pumpkin Carving Ideas for inspiration.
No Carve Pumpkin
Ginger’dead’ Men
We bought a box of gingerbread men from the supermarket and decorated them using a mix of icing sugar, a few drops of water and a drop of food colouring. We transformed them into cute mummies and gruesome ginger’dead’ men.
You can’t beat a bit of fun with food.
Dirty Earbuds
Look disgusting but they’re yummy!
It’s simply mini marshmallows on toothpicks dipped in melted white chocolate. (I painted the sticks white for effect and added a drop of yellow food colouring to the chocolate!) A gruesome Halloween treat.
Fake Barbed Wire
We mixed a small amount of black paint with PVA glue. We then dipped string in it and twisted the string to make the long wire. We then wrapped a small piece of string around to make the ‘barbed’ bit on the wire. We then left it to dry.
Donut Monsters
Push fake teeth into donuts and Smarties for eyes.
Spooky Squash
We simply washed out and filled a surgical glove with water and put it into the freezer to freeze, once frozen we removed the glove and put it in our bowl of squash. (You can get disposable gloves from Pound stores.)
Used Plaster Biscuits
We made plasters using Garibaldi biscuits, a small piece of ready roll icing and a jellied sweet. We used a cheese grater to make an imprint.
The Halloween doesn’t end here as we’ve got some fabulous Halloween for Toddlers ideas and the big kids will love a Gruesome Halloween Lucky Dip!
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