First Snowfall Mini Adventure/Upper Wyndcliff

IMG_5378.JPGWith snow seemingly falling everywhere overnight apart from within the green bubble that surrounds our house we headed out on a mini adventure in search of the snowfalls that we could see on the hills in the distance.

We found our patch just outside Chepstow in Upper Wyndcliff.

The Upper Wyndcliff car park is reached via a lane off the A466, 1⁄2 mile north of St Arvans. The car park is on the right after about 1⁄2 mile. The footpath on the left at the back of the car park is signposted for Eagle’s Nest and the Wye Valley Walk which gives you stunning views across Wye Valley.

We were only on a mini adventure so settled for a walk surrounding the car park….this in itself was a lovely walk but only lasted an hour…..just enough to wear out little legs.

We headed over the stile and onto the farmland and explored the fields…

Here’s how we got on..
We started our walk under dark skies in the company of a rainbow…






IMG_5385.JPGThe higher up the hill we walked the thicker the snow became..

IMG_5387.JPGand beautiful view grew.


IMG_5389.JPGit was like a big white fluffy enticing blanket….

IMG_5398.JPGso we built a snowman.



IMG_5396.JPGand had a snowball fight…

IMG_5390.JPGwe made tracks and followed them..

IMG_5391.JPGand even tried a little sledging without a sledge ????

IMG_5399.JPGwith soggy bums, cold snowman building hands and school run time approaching we decided we’d had enough snow fun and headed back to the car…

But not without saying goodbye to our afternoon friend…

….with a peck on the nose ????



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