First Day Of School


First Day of SchoolIt’s the first day of big school, one is heading to Reception, one to Juniors and one to Secondary school. Whilst I ran to the garage to search for a last minute P.E. kit bag I found a spiders web in the garden. Obviously with the restart of the school runs the rain came too…So half dressed I called the kids into the garden to see what I’d found. It acted as a lesson to keep trying, that things can always be made again and again, that being small does not mean you can’t do incredible things and that the most simplest of things are beautiful.














Strange I know, but it was a beautiful memory to remember our first day of school…

And the P.E. kit? Well I started as I mean to go on. As I sit in a very calm and tranquil house it remains on the kitchen table…


PE kit bag

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