Family Days Clean Up – Ten Minutes Difference
#FamilyDaysCleanUp – #TenMinuteDifference
Virtually doing our bit this summer with Family Days
Recently we posted a video on our Facebook Page after we were saddened by the unnecessary mess that was left behind on a popular beach on the hottest day of the year. This isn’t exclusive to the beach and we find that littler is sadly everywhere. We shared more photos of the litter left behind in our blog post This is Not Right, It’s Rubbish.
The response that followed was enormous and it quickly became evident that we were not alone in our feelings regarding litter. This got us thinking about how we could highlight the issue and raise awareness of the wrongs of dropping rubbish…
And it got us thinking. Why just ‘like’ a post or leave a comment portraying your disgust? Why not physically do something about it? Collectively make a difference.
So we decided to set up the #FamilyDaysCleanUp event, a virtual event that will run throughout the summer in which we can collectively do our bit to rid our beautiful outdoors of litter. From a crisp packet right through to a bag of rubbish… every little bit helps.
You could get the kids together to create your own litter pick event with family and friends. They could make posters… anything that helps towards raising awareness and shows the world that litter is not OK and that we’re all responsible. (It’s a fab way to instill into our children that picking up after ourselves should be the norm!) It doesn’t have to be a huge effort, it can be as simple as visiting the park and placing discarded rubbish in the bins, picking up bottle tops whilst you play on the beach, picking up the empty pop can at the bus stop… it all helps!
We’re not suggesting you litter pick from dusk till dawn, every piece of rubbish picked up is valued!!
And we can be proud of our efforts, share with each other what we’ve done to make a difference, spread the word that it’s a responsibility that lays with us all, that we want to keep our outdoor spaces looking fabulous… that we can combat the problem together and that we care and together we can lead by example!
You could make litter picking fun!
You Could Make a Beachcomber’s Bucket
You could concentrate on picking up bottle tops, have some fun and then dispose of them safely.
Every little bit really does help!!
You don’t have to pick up bags full. Even two bottle tops makes a difference.
We can make a difference.
We can show the world that we can make a difference with minimum effort, just 10 minutes makes a change… we can clean up together.
So that’s it! Our #FamilyDaysCleanUp #TenMinutesDifference will take place throughout the summer everywhere, please join our event, spread the word, set the kids a summer mission, raise awareness, have some fun and share with us what you get up too.
So…are you in?
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