A Peek At Babba Jude

A first view of Babba Jude
💕This morning I had the privilege of sharing the birth of babba Jude with Eden Mei. For those unaware, Eden is 12 years old and self teaching photography. She had maintained all throughout my pregnancy that she wanted to be the one to see her brother enter the world…

She did a fantastic job and not only was a great support to me but took the job in hand and captured some key elements of the birth perfectly. Her ability to view the world in a different and appreciative light has left me a very proud but emotional wreck. So I thought, through oodles of post birth tears, I would share with you a small peek at Babba Jude viewed through the perfectly beautiful eyes of 12 year Eden Mei.

⚠️Please be aware that although this is the most natural and wondrous thing in the world, these photos are of a nature expected during the process of childbirth and are both raw and uncensored.

**Eden always welcomes constructive comments to help her progress but please remember she is still only 12 years old and very much appreciates nice comments to encourage her 🙌💕

A full birth story will be posted once we have finished staring at the new addition and popped back down from cloud nine. ☁️

The first kiss…

A first kiss with Babba Jude
From one home to another…

Baby Jude and his placenta
A lifetime of luck….

Umbilical cord knot

Baby Jude's hair

I know I’m biased, and hormonal, and a maternal emotional post birth wreck but I have fallen in love with her views.

Her company during Jude’s journey into the world was perfect.

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  1. Absolutely beautiful photos!..how proud you must be of Eden. ..well done Eden!.what an amazing experience for you to see your beautiful little brother enter the world and you have captured the moments beautifully..be proud of yourself xxx

  2. Feeling very emotional seeing these. A very talented young lady who has an exceptional creative eye. Congratulations all!

  3. Stunning! You talented and special young lady. There are not many young women who would understand the wonder of those moments. You can’t teach it.

    Be proud of the perceptive and intuitive young lady that you have become.

    Congratulations on the safe arrival of baby Jude. Welcome to the world little man. You are very loved! 🌎

  4. Wow! Eden-Mei you certainly have a talent with your photography. Your composition and crops are perfect for the occasion and I love the tones in the black and white. I’ll be following your progress with interest and look forward to seeing more of your work. Keep it up and congratulations 🎊 to you and your family.

  5. Eden, the pictures are amazing. Every one is filled with powerful emotion. The pictures reminded me of my son’s birth and how precious and special it was. You are an exceptional artist. Congratulations…there’s nothing more magical than this blessed occasion. God bless you and your family. ❤️❤️

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