Toilet Tissue Christmas Wreath

Toilet Tissue Christmas Wreath

We’ve seen a lot of pretty Christmas wreaths around at the moment and decided we wanted to make our own pretty one.

We particularly liked the rag roll ones but had no rags to hand so used an alternative….tissue paper! Good old loo roll!

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We used 28 sheets off of a roll, some loom bands to tie, a cardboard ring & ribbon to hang. Literally it cost us pennies.

Here’s how we did it.

First we cut a circle of card..IMG_9641.JPGwe then wrapped each segment of tissue around the card and secured it with a loom band. (You could use elastic bands)

IMG_9642.JPGwe did this until the ring was covered..



IMG_9657-0.JPGfinally we tied on some ribbon to hang.

IMG_9661.JPGwe thought it turned out really pretty!


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