This Girl – The Importance Of Being Yourself 

This girl…

Here’s a lesson to always be who you are and never let anyone stifle your confidence to be yourself…

Last year I had the job of taking the photos for Edens prom, I told her beforehand she wasn’t to be in the centre of any photos because it wouldn’t be nice and could appear as favouritism, she took it on board…😂

She mingled with her friends for some photos and stood happily on the sidelines for others… but also managed to remain being just who she is wherever she stood….

She’s a bugger.

It wasn’t until I got home and put my memory card into the computer that I came across this…I wasn’t expecting this photo, but I love it, it’s a photo I have kept private but smiled over frequently ever since, a photo that reminds me of all the good in this girl when she’s giving me a hormonal run for my money, when we lock horns, it reminds me of my admiration for her ❤️

This girl is my world, she’s strong willed, confident in who she is, defiant, eloquent, fiery in the comfort of her own home and a complete individual. She doesn’t follow a crowd and happily sits in her own company, she can hold her own at the same time as exuding compassion and thoughtfulness.

Last year she was 11 and starting her journey to big school. She was entering a new stage of her life and was still a little girl…

One year on and the changes are incredible. She’s still the same little girl but her wings have grown hugely. She has blossomed and now carries all her previous traits as a young lady… a strong, independent, a perfectly articulating, well rounded and beautiful young woman.

I knew changes would be afoot as she transited from little school to big school, I’ve journeyed that path several times before but the change still astounds me…it’s immense.

Every day she steps further and further away from me but strangely grows closer and closer at the same time…
If she always remains herself then I’ve no doubt that the whole world will welcome her with open arms…

I hope she always remains confident in being herself….

I hope she takes a little bit of being 11 years old with her wherever she goes…

I hope she is never ever stifled.

Eden – she’s in a world of her own and I’m so lucky to feel the force of her every emotion as she grows…

This girl damn well can even if she doesn’t know it yet…


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